SuSanA Library

GTZ (2010) Les composantes technologiques de l’assainissement durable (in French) Overview on the technology components which can be used in an ecosan approach

Online since: 03.05.2011
Views: 5571
Downloads: 80

GTZ (2010) Mögliche Technologie-Komponenten für nachhaltige Sanitärversorgung (in German) Possible technology components for sustainable sanitation

Online since: 03.05.2011
Views: 4327
Downloads: 7192

GTZ (2010) Possible technology components for sustainable sanitation Technology Matrix - an overview on the technology components which can be used in an ecosan approach

Online since: 03.05.2011
Views: 7171
Downloads: 171

Online since: 03.05.2011
Views: 5081
Downloads: 19

Terre des hommes (2010) Casting of Ecosan Pan Bangladesh

Online since: 02.05.2011
Views: 4845
Downloads: 59

Conradin, K. (2007) Ecological Sanitation in the Khuvsgul Area, Northern Mongolia: Socio-Cultural Parameters and Acceptance An Evaluation of the Current Sanitation Situation in the Khuvsgul Area and a Study about the Acceptance and Suitability

Online since: 29.04.2011
Views: 4533
Downloads: 7538

NETSSAF (2008) How to build a single chamber urine diverting toilet Ecosan Toilet Training (Part 2)

Online since: 29.04.2011
Views: 5232
Downloads: 8707

Fall, P. A. et al. (2009) NETSSAF - a multidisciplinary collaboration towards more sustainable sanitation in West Africa: main results Conference materials

NETSSAF, a project funded by the European Commission, with its consortium of 19 partners has set up objectives aiming at creating synergies from different sectors to support the large-scale implementation of sustainable sanitation systems in peri-urban and rural areas in West Africa. Several valuable results have been obtained, which aim is to propose feasible solutions for the achievement of MDGs. The consortium has worked […]

Online since: 28.04.2011
Views: 4059
Downloads: 15

Arnold, U., Gesens, F. (2009) Closing nutrient cycles in decentralised water treatment systems in the Mekong Delta SANSED – Project Final Report

Online since: 28.04.2011
Views: 5328
Downloads: 108

Gutterer, B., Sasse, L., Panzerbieter, T., Reckerzügel, T. (2009) Decentralised wastewater treatment systems (DEWATS) and sanitation in developing countries A practical guide - sample version, selected pages only

Online since: 28.04.2011
Views: 22358
Downloads: 3479

Online since: 28.04.2011
Views: 4680
Downloads: 7789

UNICEF (2008) Sharing simple facts - Useful information about menstrual health and hygiene

This guidance booklet on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) is intended for adolescent girls and young women. Issues associated with menstruation are never discussed openly and the silence surrounding menstruation burdens young girls by keeping them ignorant of this biological function. Even after the attainment of menarche, very little information is given to young girls about the physiological processes involved and the hygienic practices to be followed. This […]

Online since: 27.04.2011
Views: 12898
Downloads: 21479

Sommer, M. (2009) Growth and changes Menstrual Hygiene Education Books (Tanzania)

Online since: 27.04.2011
Views: 9692
Downloads: 491

Sayre, E. V., Sayre, J. C. Z. (2011) Sanitation Solutions for Flooded Zones The WAND Foundation Experience

Online since: 27.04.2011
Views: 6749
Downloads: 11228

von Münch, E., Winker, M. (2011) Worldwide listing of suppliers for urine diversion pedestals/seats (for UDDTs or for UD flush toilets) Appendix 3 of technology review of urine diversion components

Online since: 20.04.2011
Views: 13207
Downloads: 421

von Münch, E., Winker, M. (2011) Worldwide listing of suppliers for urine diversion squatting pans (for UDDTs or for urine diversion flush toilets) Appendix 2 of technology review of urine diversion components

Online since: 20.04.2011
Views: 6537
Downloads: 10874

von Münch, E., Winker, M. (2011) Worldwide listing of suppliers for waterless urinals Appendix 1 for technology review of urine diversion components

Online since: 20.04.2011
Views: 11284
Downloads: 227

UN (2010) The human right to water and sanitation Resolution adopted by the General Assembly A/RES/64/292

Online since: 19.04.2011
Views: 3946
Downloads: 6552

Ecosan Club (ed.) (2011) Planning Tools

Online since: 15.04.2011
Views: 5584
Downloads: 9287

Soil Association (2010) A rock and a hard place Peak phosphorus and the threat to our food security

Online since: 14.04.2011
Views: 11883
Downloads: 219



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