In issue 14 of Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP) we publish „Selected contributions from the 1st WATERBIOTECHconference“. The 1st WATERBIOTECH conference was held from 9-11 October 2012 in Cairo, Egypt.
WATERBIOTECH („Biotechnology for Africa‘s sustainable water supply“) is a coordination and support action (Contract No. 265972?KBBE; duration: 1.08.2011 – 31.01.2013) funded within the Africa call of the EU 7th Framework Programme.
The action is coordinated by ttz-Bremerhaven (Germany) and has in total 17 partners from 6 European countries (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom) and 8 African and Arab countries (Algeria, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ghana, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, and Saudi Arabia).
More information on WATERBIOTECH can be found on the project website
The first 5 contributions in this issue have been presented at the conference and are directly related to WATERBIOTECH:
1. A general overview of the WATERBIOTECH project
2. An overview on biotechnologies for wastewater treatment in Morocco
3. An overview on current water reuse practices in Egypt
4. Results from a survey from WATERBIOTECH on wastewater treatment practices in Africa
5. Requirements for biotechnologies in Africa which are derived from the survey results
The 3 remaining papers show case studies presented at the conference:
6. A case study on aquifer recharge by treated wastewaters from Tunisia
7. A summary of the results from the PURATREAT project
8. Design considerations for constructed wetlands for hot and dry climates
'Biotechnology for Africa’s sustainable water supply'. Authors:Sana Arousse, Gerhard Schories
'Water and wastewater management in Morocco: Biotechnologies application'. Authors: Laila Mandi, Naaila Ouazzani
'Overview on water reuse in Egypt: Present and Future' Authors: Hussein I. Abdel-Shafy, Mona S.M. Mansour
'Wastewater treatment practices in Africa - Experiences from seven countries' Authors: Josiane Nikiema, Alberto Figoli, Norbert Weissenbacher, Günter Langergraber, Benoit Marrot, Philippe Moulin
'What do we require from water biotechnologies in Africa?' Authors: Norbert Weissenbacher, Josiane Nikiema, Marianna Garfi, Alberto Figoli
'Aquifer Recharge by Treated Wastewaters: Korba case study (Tunisia)' Authors: Semia Cherif, Foued El Ayni, Amel Jrad, Malika Trabelsi-Ayadi
'Application of Membrane Bioreactor technology for urban wastewater treatment in Tunisia: Focus on treated water quality' Authors: Mouna Jraou, Firas Feki, Tom Arnot, George Skouteris, Gerhard Schories, Sami Sayadi
'Design considerations for constructed wetlands in dry and hot countries' Author: Fabio Masi
Bibliographic information
Muellegger, E., Langergraber, G., Lechner, M. (eds.) (2013).
Selected contributions from the 1st WATERBIOTECH conference, 9-11 October 2012, Cairo, Egypt Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP), Issue 14. EcoSan Club, Austria
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Selected contributions from the 1st WATERBIOTECH conference, 9-11 October 2012, Cairo, Egypt
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Published in: 2013
Pages: 0
Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP), Issue 14. EcoSan Club, Austria
Muellegger, E., Langergraber, G., Lechner, M. (eds.)
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