Town Sanitation Planning and District Investment Planning approaches in 6 towns and 4 districts in northern Uganda, and developing a Town Sanitation Plan strategy Lessons Learnt Report Salian, P., Kibuuka A., Niwagaba, C. (2017)

GIZ-RUWASS program is supporting the improvement of the Ugandan water and sanitation sector through various projects. Amongst these projects is the USAID and GIZ co-funded project 'Capacity development of Town Councils to design and implement integrated and sustainable town sanitation plans'. The objective of the project is to make use of Town Sanitation Plans as a basis for planning and prioritizing investments resulting in tangible improvements to sanitation services delivery in 6 towns and 4 districts in northern Uganda.

The objective of this report is to document lessons learned from implementing of the town sanitation planning (TSP) and District Investment Plan (DIP) approaches in terms of improving access to sustainable sanitation services.
Documentation of the lessons learnt focused on six project towns – Aduku, Apac, Ibuje, Kamdini, Loro and Oyam
– for the TSP process and four districts – Apac, Dokolo, Kole and Lira – for the DIP.
The study aimed at: a) identifying factors influencing success and challenges in the two approaches,
b) determining processes, practices and interventions from the two approaches that could be harmonised, replicated and scaled up in the future and,
c) presenting the overall outcomes/impact that the two pilots have had on the beneficiaries so far.

Bibliographic information

Salian, P., Kibuuka A., Niwagaba, C. (2017). Town Sanitation Planning and District Investment Planning approaches in 6 towns and 4 districts in northern Uganda, and developing a Town Sanitation Plan strategy Lessons Learnt Report Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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Lessons Learnt Report

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Town Sanitation Planning and District Investment Planning approaches in 6 towns and 4 districts in northern Uganda, and developing a Town Sanitation Plan strategy

Published in: 2017
Pages: 15

Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Salian, P., Kibuuka A., Niwagaba, C.

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