SuSanA Library

Online since: 27.10.2011
Views: 6278
Downloads: 144

Ecosan Club (ed.) (2011) Biogas Systems

Online since: 25.10.2011
Views: 8199
Downloads: 219

Online since: 24.10.2011
Views: 4740
Downloads: 55

Online since: 24.10.2011
Views: 3755
Downloads: 24

Hagan, J., Brown, M. (2011) Designing for sustainable sanitation Floating communities of Tonle Sap

Online since: 21.10.2011
Views: 3902
Downloads: 37

FEA (2011) FEA Progress report 2010/2011 Implementation of sub projects through districts

Online since: 21.10.2011
Views: 4159
Downloads: 35

Online since: 20.10.2011
Views: 10094
Downloads: 4294

Genath, B. (2011) Abwasser-Recycling für Deutschland und die Welt: Für Abwasser-Experten kann Wertstoff-Rückgewinnung ein Export-Produkt werden (in German) Wastewater recycling for Germany and the world: The issue of nutrient recovery can be an export good for wastewater experts

Online since: 19.10.2011
Views: 7059
Downloads: 174

Jones, H. (2011) Inclusive design of school latrines How much does it cost and who benefits?

Online since: 19.10.2011
Views: 5146
Downloads: 87

Online since: 13.10.2011
Views: 5832
Downloads: 210

WaterAid Australia and International Water Centre (2008) Sharing Experiences: Sustainable sanitation in South East Asia and the Pacific

This book is a collection of case studies on sanitation and hygiene initiatives in South East Asia and the Pacific and provides an opportunity for those in the region who work in sanitation to share their experiences — whether they started out as engineers, educators, public health workers, marketers, anthropologists or development generalists. I hope that by doing so, it will help to develop a genuine […]

Online since: 12.10.2011
Views: 4521
Downloads: 50

Online since: 28.09.2011
Views: 5561
Downloads: 87

Online since: 28.09.2011
Views: 9714
Downloads: 137

Nguyen, A., Pham, N., Nguyen, T., Morel, A. Tonderski, K. (2007) Improved septic tank with constructed wetland A promising decentralized wastewater treatment alternative in Vietnam

Online since: 28.09.2011
Views: 4763
Downloads: 105

Online since: 28.09.2011
Views: 6162
Downloads: 58

EcoSanRes (2006) Cerrando el ciclo al saneamiento (in Spanish) Closing the cycle on sanitation

Online since: 28.09.2011
Views: 4948
Downloads: 96

EcoSanRes (2006) Cerrando el ciclo al saneamiento (in Spanish) Closing the cycle on sanitation

Online since: 28.09.2011
Views: 4893
Downloads: 89

Online since: 28.09.2011
Views: 4987
Downloads: 51

Houben, G. (2009) Las aventuras de Ytyky (in Spanish) The Adventures of Ytyky

Online since: 28.09.2011
Views: 6153
Downloads: 67

Devine, J., Kullmann, C. (2011) Introductory Guide to Sanitation Marketing WSP Scaling Up Rural Sanitation

Online since: 21.09.2011
Views: 8478
Downloads: 154



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