Key documents to implement UBSUP WSTF (2015)

This library entry contains key documents involved in the implementation of the UBSUP programme, from the social marketing for improved toilet at household level to the construction and operation of the sanitation infrastructures (toilet and Decentralised Treatment Facility). Note that more documents are available on the SafiSan toolkit located in the WSTF website, see link below.

As an attempt to tackle the challenge of urban sanitation in Kenya and move towards the national and international sanitation goals, the Upscaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor (UBSUP) programme was initiated in 2011 by the Water Sector Trust Fund (WSTF) whose mandate is to finance urban low income areas and implemented through regulated Water Service Providers (WSPs/utilities). The programme is jointly financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with technical assistance from GIZ. UBSUP is aimed at improving access to household sanitation in the poor urban areas of Kenya by covering the entire sanitation service chain from toilet to treatment. The UBSUP approach is based on 3 key pillars: Social Marketing, Technology, and Business & Financing.

You will find the following documents for download below: 1. Social animator handbook 2. Structural drawings of a flush toilet with septic tank 3. Bill of Quantites for a pour flush toilet 4. Structural drawings of a DTF 5. Bill of Quantities for a DTF 6. Training for DTF construction 7. DTF operator’s manual 8. Co-composting manual

External Website(s)

SuSanA project database

Safisan toolkit

Further information on discussion forum

WSTF flickr account

Bibliographic information

WSTF (2015). Key documents to implement UBSUP Water Services Trust Fund (WSTF), Nairobi, Kenya

Filter / Tags

Sanitation systems and technology options (WG4)Operation, maintenance and sustainable services (WG10)Biogas systems Peri-urbanUrban (entire city)Urban informal settlements (slums)PractitionersGuidelines and manualsTechnical drawings

External links

 SuSanA project database

 Safisan toolkit

 Further information on discussion forum

 WSTF flickr account


Social Animators Handbook

Type: application/pdf
Size: 8.96 MB


Structural drawings of a flush toilet with septic tank

Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.54 MB


Bill of Quantites for a pour flush toilet

Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size: 0.03 MB


Structual Drawings of DTF Modules

Type: application/pdf
Size: 10.12 MB


BOQ DTF cost

Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size: 0.22 MB


Training for DTF construction

Type: application/pdf
Size: 7.66 MB


DTF operator’s manual

Type: application/pdf
Size: 6.73 MB


Co-composting manual

Type: application/pdf
Size: 2.77 MB


Key documents to implement UBSUP

Published in: 2015
Pages: 0

Water Services Trust Fund (WSTF), Nairobi, Kenya


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