Sustainable sanitation campaign in China Li, Z., Zhang, L.., Mang, H.-P., Huba, E. (2011)

China has both experience and history in the prac-tices of ecological sanitation, which can be sourced back to the 1980s. However, there has been no plat-form or mechanism to either accumulate or ex-change such knowledge on ecological sanitation before, thus making it difficult for the continuity of the knowledge transfer from one location to another to cover the huge territory of China. Moreover, the traditional taboo to talk about sanitation in China hindered the change from conventional technologies to future and re-use oriented sustainable sanitation systems, and its mainstreaming both in the media and in the mindset of decision makers. The launch of CNSS was right in time to fill this gap and to bring forth a broad platform for different players to join efforts. The importance of CNSS became more and more prominent, also by connecting to the Knowledge Nodes located in Nepal, South Africa and the Philippines; they shared knowledge with the CNSS and exchanged information. Within the framework of CNSS itself, networking with local experts and organizations was developing straight forward within the EcoSanRes-2 supported period up to 2011.

Bibliographic information

Li, Z., Zhang, L.., Mang, H.-P., Huba, E. (2011). Sustainable sanitation campaign in China Chinese Node for Sustainable Sanitation (CNSS), Beijing, China

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Sustainable sanitation campaign in China

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Sustainable sanitation campaign in China

Published in: 2011
Pages: 0

Chinese Node for Sustainable Sanitation (CNSS), Beijing, China

Li, Z., Zhang, L.., Mang, H.-P., Huba, E.

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