UNICEF Syria Crisis Situation Report - 2017 Humanitarian Results
- The conflict in Syria continues to drive the largest refugee crisis in the world, with 5.4 million Syrian refugees registered in the region. Nearly half (48%) are children. About 92% of Syrian refugees live in host communities in very precarious living conditions.
- In line with the No Lost Generation Initiative, UNICEF supported national systems in Syria and in Syrian refugee host countries reaching over 773,000 children (98% target) with psychosocial support and helped over 3.2 million children (88% target) to enroll in formal education.
- With UNICEF support, more than 8.9 million children were vaccinated against polio in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt.
- The conflict in Syria continues to take a devastating toll on the lives of children.
- UNICEF has launched the humanitarian appeal for 2018 in Syria and for Syrian Refugees for 2018 and 2019 in host countries.
UNICEF Syria Crisis Situation Report - 2017 Humanitarian Results
UNICEF (2017). Syria Crisis 2017 Humanitarian Results The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, Amman, Jordan
Factsheets and policy briefsEnglish
UNICEF Syria Crisis Situation Report - 2017 Humanitarian Results
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