Report on the feasibility study of a national programme for domestic biogas in Ethiopia Eshete, G., Sonder., K., ter Heegde, F. (2006)

This study researched the extent to which essential conditions for large scale dissemination of domestic biogas are present. It concludes that there is a significant technical potential for domestic biogas. In the four studied regions (Amhara, Oromia, SNNPRS and Tigray) this potential is estimated to be between 1.1 and 3.5 million households. But the team also identified important constraints. Clearly, despite its promising features and the significant technical potential, implementation of a large scale domestic biogas programme will not be “plain sailing”. The team proposes a pilot domestic biogas programme in four regions over a period of 5 years, aiming to support the construction of 10,000 installations. In addition to the direct benefits the programme is expected to have, the sizeable pilot will provide better insights of the exact nature of Ethiopia’s rural domestic energy sector and dissemination constraints and allow the programme to adjust its implementation strategy accordingly. Total programme costs, including all hard and software, have been budgeted to approximately € 11 million.

Bibliographic information

Eshete, G., Sonder., K., ter Heegde, F. (2006). Report on the feasibility study of a national programme for domestic biogas in Ethiopia

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Renewable energies and climate change (WG3)Biogas systems English


Report on the feasibility study of a national programme for domestic biogas in Ethiopia

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Report on the feasibility study of a national programme for domestic biogas in Ethiopia

Published in: 2006
Pages: 0


Eshete, G., Sonder., K., ter Heegde, F.

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