Growth and Changes Menstrual Hygiene Education Books (Ghana) Ackatia-Armah, T. N. M., Sommer, M. (2012)

Similar to the Tanzanian and Cambodian editions, the Ghanaian version of Growth and Changes provides simple and illustrated explanations about the changes faced by girls during puberty, i.e. physical changes, menstruation, menstrual hygiene and pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). The book is adapted to local reality and translated into Twi, one of the local languages. It also includes a series of real-life stories told by the girls of Ghana and a section with ‘true or false’ and ‘how to’, ‘is it normal if’ answered questions. Background - In 2009 Grow & Know developed and disseminated the book "Growth and Changes" in Tanzania, which aimed at empowering and teaching 10-14 year old girls about their changing bodies. The book was written in English and Swahili (Vipindi vya Maisha). The book was an immediate success, had the support of UNFPA and UNICEF for the publication of additional copies and in August 2010, the girl's book received final approval from the Ministry of Education for use in the primary school curriculum. After that, a participatory research with adolescent girls in Ghana, Ethiopia and Cambodia was realized with a context specific girl's puberty book being developed and published in each country. Contact Information: Grow & Know, Ltd Marni Sommer,DrPH Assistant Professor of Sociomedical Sciences Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University Phone: 917-843-1857

Bibliographic information

Ackatia-Armah, T. N. M., Sommer, M. (2012). Growth and Changes Menstrual Hygiene Education Books (Ghana) Grow and Know, Inc., Accra, Ghana

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SchoolsEnglishOtherMenstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH)


Growth and Changes

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Growth and Changes

Published in: 2012
Pages: 0

Grow and Know, Inc., Accra, Ghana

Ackatia-Armah, T. N. M., Sommer, M.

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