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Online since: 21.09.2011
Views: 5178
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Online since: 21.09.2011
Views: 4357
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Eyrard J. (2011) Is the “Portaloo” solution replicable? Emergency WASH reponse after earthquake in Port au Prince, Haiti 2010

The presentation concludes that "Portaloo" is replicable for a short term period, if a treatment plant is available for safe disposal of the sludge and if the equipment is available in country. It should not also put focus on monitoring the trucks and “hot line” or complain mechanism for the users. The presentation was held at the WECD conference July 2011 in Loughborough, England.

Online since: 19.09.2011
Views: 5827
Downloads: 96

ROTARIA del Peru SAC (2011) Como se usa el baño mejorado (in Spanish) Poster on the faeces management of a UDDT with bench

Online since: 14.09.2011
Views: 6034
Downloads: 10035

ROTARIA del Peru SAC (2010) Como se usa el bano mejorado (in Spanish) How to use the improved toilets (Poster)

Online since: 14.09.2011
Views: 7236
Downloads: 102

ROTARIA del Perú SAC (2012) Construcción de Baño Seco Mejorado Cámaras con diferentes opciones: Adobe, Ladrillo, Bloques de concreto (in Spanish) Manual para construir / Construction manual: Improved dry toilet with two chambers of sun-dried clay bricks, bricks and concrete blocks (UDDT)

Online since: 14.09.2011
Views: 6439
Downloads: 135

ROTÁRIA del Perú SAC (2011) Construcción de Baño Seco Mejorado - Cámaras de bloques de cemento (in Spanish) Manual para construir / Construction manual: Improved dry toilet with two chambers of concrete blocks (UDDT)

Online since: 14.09.2011
Views: 5534
Downloads: 53

ACF (2011) Expérimenter des options et renforcer les capacités locales pour améliorer l’accès à l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissementdans les zones de Yourtes d'Oulan Bator, Mongolie (in French) Evaluation of options and reinforcement of local capacities to improve the access to water hygiene and sanitation in the zone of gers in Ulan Bator, Mongolia

Online since: 09.09.2011
Views: 5313
Downloads: 37

Online since: 09.09.2011
Views: 6332
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WIN-SA (2011) What happens when the pit is full A story of pits, PETs and managed sludges

Online since: 08.09.2011
Views: 5690
Downloads: 64

WIN-SA (2011) What happens when the pit is full? Developments in on-site faecal sludge management (FSM)

Online since: 08.09.2011
Views: 7665
Downloads: 357

Water Information Network (2011) Biogas for sanitation Closing the nutrient loop through sanitation, hygiene, environmental protection and food security in Lesotho

Online since: 08.09.2011
Views: 4327
Downloads: 86

Online since: 08.09.2011
Views: 5823
Downloads: 77

Online since: 08.09.2011
Views: 5799
Downloads: 9646

Water Information Network (2011) Sanitation matters A magazine for Southern Africa - Issue 2 - 2011

Online since: 07.09.2011
Views: 4590
Downloads: 48

Mijthab, M. (2011) moSan - mobile sanitation: Toilet for the urban poor in Bangladesh Report in German but with many self-explanatory pictures

Online since: 07.09.2011
Views: 8568
Downloads: 300

Stenström, T.A., Seidu, R., Ekane, N., Zurbrügg, C. (2011) Microbial exposure and health assessments in sanitation technologies and systems EcoSanRes Series, 2011-1

Online since: 31.08.2011
Views: 15698
Downloads: 26136

Hoffmann, H., Platzer, C., von Münch, E., Winker, M. (2011) Revisión Técnica de Humedales Artificiales de flujo subsuperficial para el tratamiento de aguas grises (in Spanish) Technology review of constructed wetlands

Online since: 29.08.2011
Views: 10979
Downloads: 784

Online since: 26.08.2011
Views: 5047
Downloads: 73

Online since: 26.08.2011
Views: 4060
Downloads: 26



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