"Productive sanitation" - a discussion with three Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grantees. Hosted by: Stockholm Environment Institute and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) on 25 February 2014. This webinar has been recorded in 5 parts. This video clip contains Part 1, with an introduction by Arno Rosemarin.
Moderator: Nelson Ekane (SEI)
Sub-topics within the webinar:
1) Large scale production and commercialization of "Fortifer" - a fertilizer manufactured from faecal sludge - in Ghana
2) When flies are the good guys: can black soldier flies (BSF) efficiently reduce faecal sludge from pit latrines? Research into variations in BSF growth related to the amount of waste reduced
3) Vapor-permeable membranes: Three potential uses in faecal sludge management for safe sanitation and resource recovery
Part 2 - Large scale production and commercialization of Fortifer
Part 3 - Can black soldier flies efficiently reduce faecal sludge?
Part 4 - Vapor-permeable membranes: Three potential uses in FSM
SEI (2014). 6th SEI Webinar: Productive sanitation
Videos and webinar recordingsEnglishFertiliserProtein for animal food
Part 2 - Large scale production and commercialization of Fortifer
Part 3 - Can black soldier flies efficiently reduce faecal sludge?
Part 4 - Vapor-permeable membranes: Three potential uses in FSM
Published in: 2014
Pages: 0
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Stockholm Environment Institute
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