WaterAid UK, WaterAid Ghana, and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) platform in partnership with Ghana’s Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources (MSWR) organised a one-day workshop in Accra, Ghana: 7th September, 2017 on opportunities for knowledge sharing partnership via the SuSanA platform.
The purpose of this workshop was to present the SuSanA as an active network and knowledge hub that is willing to support the GoG and national sanitation actors towards attainment of the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources Strategic Objectives for 2018-2022. The key objectives are listed below: - Raise awareness of the resource of the SuSanA as a network and knowledge management platform and increase membership of Ghanaian sanitation sector actors in the Alliance. - Facilitate a process of considering the priority focus areas in relation to increasing access to sanitation (as identified by the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources) and identifying the main challenges in relation to these priority areas/strategic objectives. - Considering the challenges in addressing the strategy’s priority areas, identify specific knowledge gaps and knowledge strengths in-country which need to be addressed in relation to these priority areas. These identified knowledge gaps will later be presented back to SuSanA working groups, members and partner organisations for their inputs.SuSanA, WaterAid (2017). Opportunities for Knowledge Sharing Partnership Development Workshop Report of Workshop held in Accra, Ghana: 7th September, 2017 Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), WaterAid
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