Enabling environment endline assessment: Indonesia Scaling up rural sanitation Robinson, A. (2011)

The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) has implemented the Global Scaling Up Rural Sanitation Project since 2007. One of the central objectives of the project is to improve sanitation at a scale sufficient to meet the 2015 sanitation Millennium Developmental Goal (MDG) targets in Indonesia, India, and Tanzania. The baseline assessment of the enabling environment was completed in July and August 2007, during the start-up phase of the overall project. This follow up endline assessment was carried out three years later in mid-2010. This report presents the main findings and recommendations from the endline assessment of the ability of the enabling environment to scale up, sustain, and replicate sanitation improvements in East Java, Indonesia. In order to ensure consistency in the assessment findings, WSP developed a conceptual framework for assessing the enabling environment for sanitation. This framework was developed based on a literature review and a series of discussions with key actors. The framework consists of eight dimensions considered essential to scaling up the total sanitation and sanitation marketing approaches in rural areas: • Policy, strategy, and direction • Institutional arrangements • Program methodology • Implementation capacity • Availability of products, tools, and information • Financing and incentives • Cost-effective implementation • Monitoring and evaluation

Bibliographic information

Robinson, A. (2011). Enabling environment endline assessment: Indonesia Scaling up rural sanitation World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), USA

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Enabling environment endline assessment: Indonesia

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Enabling environment endline assessment: Indonesia

Published in: 2011
Pages: 0

World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), USA

Robinson, A.

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