Diverging Perceptions on communal sanitation facilities A case study of Kibera slum Mathenge, R. W. (2009)

With the increase in population and rapid urbanization, they are expected to play an even greater role. The study aim was to gain insights on the users’ and the providers’ perception on the appropriateness of the various sanitation facilities that are on offer to the residents. The study was driven by the concern that no studies have been taken to identify the users and the providers’ views on the various options on offer. Yet, the current studies indicate that, for the facilities to be properly used by the community they need to meet the desires of the people. Further, the research shows that often there exists a discrepancy between the providers’ and the users’ choice of preferred technology. This often leads to lack of proper use or even lack of use of the facilities. To explore the users’ and the providers’ views on the communal facilities, a case study of Kibera slum in Kenya was conducted. Four types of communal sanitation facilities were identified namely: pour flush toilets, VIPs, WC and biogas toilets. To collect the views from the providers and the users, semi structured interviews and users questionnaires were employed respectively. The study shows that the users place a high premium on the cleanliness of the facilities. On the other hand, for the providers, the most important criteria for selecting the appropriate sanitation technology is availability of the infrastructure (water and a sewer line) and the operation cost. From the study, two conclusions can be drawn: First, users’ satisfaction with the facilities is related to the level of the cleanliness. Second, the cost of emptying the facilities is a major criterion for selecting an appropriate technology for the providers.

Bibliographic information

Mathenge, R. W. (2009). Diverging Perceptions on communal sanitation facilities A case study of Kibera slum

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Urban (entire city)Urban informal settlements (slums)Case studies in other formatsEnglish


Diverging Perceptions on communal sanitation facilities

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Diverging Perceptions on communal sanitation facilities

Published in: 2009
Pages: 0


Mathenge, R. W.

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