The 3rd International Dry Toilet Conference in Tampere, Finland Conference materials Various Authors (2009)

The 3rd International Dry Toilet Conference was held in Tampere, Finland, on 12-15 August 2009 and was organised by the Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland in cooperation with Tampere University of Technology, University of Tampere and Tampere University for Applied Sciences.

184 delegates from 47 countries gathered together to discuss various aspects of dry/ecological sanitation.The main theme of the conference has been the evaluation of achievements in sanitation after the International year of Sanitation and the influence of dry toilets to help to reach the Millennium Development Goals. Special focus was given to health aspects related to dry sanitation.

Main topics
1) Promoting ecological sanitation in order to achieve MDG’s
2) Health and safety aspects related to sanitation
3) Technical development of Dry Toilets
4) Prospects and challenges in reuse of excreta
5) Social, Cultural, Economic and Gender related aspects of dry sanitation
6) Implementing ecological sanitation in emergencies
7) Sustainable sanitation for tourism and recreation

Session 1 - Composting Toilet - The Bangalore, India experience

Session 1 - To dry or not to dry?-People matter in scaling up dry sanitation

Session 1 - Dry Toilets in Tajikistan

Session 2 - Toilets and health throughout history

Session 2 - The public health safety of using human excreta from urine diverting toilets for agriculture: The Philippine experience

Session 2 - Possible public health implication of excreta re-use in poorly sanitated rural farming communities of Ebonyi state, South-East Nigeria

Session 3 - Provision of Dry Toilets in earthquake hit areas of Pakistan - learning from first hand experience

Session 3 - Sanitation in IDP and refugee camps in Chad: the current and future challenges

Session 4a - From pit latrine to nutrient conservation

Session 4a - Re-use of humans urine in market-gardening in South-Benin: financial returns analysis

Session 4b - Prospects and Challenges in the reuse of human excreta in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya

Session 4b - Use of Faecal Sludge for Agriculture in Tamale Metropolis: perception of Farmers, Consumers and Relevant Agencies

Session 4b - Positive spin offs using mobile urinals and UD toilets in Burkina Faso

Session 4b - Study on the compost produced by compost bins and ecosan latrines and survey on knowledge attitudes and practices in usage of compost bins and ecosan latrines

Session 5 - Social representations of hygiene and excretes disposal - The case of ecological dry toilets introduction in Quibdo and Tumaco-Columbia

Session 5 - Towards a common goal. The challenges of the sanitation sector in Zambia

Session 6 - Gender aspects of ecological sanitation with urine diverting dry toilets

Session 7a - Is the Agricultural utilisation of Treated Urine and Faces recommendable?

Session 7a - Solar thermal sanitation of human faeces - an affordable solution for ensuring sustainability of EcoSan activities

Session 7a - Feasibility assessment of application of onsite volume reduction system (OVRS) for source-separated urine

Session 8 - Going to scale with urine diversion in Sweden - From individual households to municipal systems in 15 years

Bibliographic information

Various Authors (2009). The 3rd International Dry Toilet Conference in Tampere, Finland Conference materials

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Session 1 - Composting Toilet - The Bangalore, India experience

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Size: 0.26 MB


Session 1 - Dry Toilets in Tajikistan

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Size: 0.46 MB


Session 1 - To dry or not to dry?-People matter in scaling up dry sanitation

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Size: 0.4 MB


Session 2 - Possible public health implication of excreta re-use in poorly sanitated rural farming communities of Ebonyi state, South-East Nigeria

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Size: 0.09 MB


Session 2 - The public health safety of using human excreta from urine diverting toilets for agriculture: The Philippine experience

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Size: 0.23 MB


Session 2 - Toilets and health throughout history

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Size: 0.13 MB


Session 3 - Provision of Dry Toilets in earthquake hit areas of Pakistan - learning from first hand experience

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Size: 0.21 MB


Session 3 - Sanitation in IDP and refugee camps in Chad: the current and future challenges

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Size: 0.6 MB


Session 4a - From pit latrine to nutrient conservation

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Size: 0.06 MB


Session 4a - Re-use of humans urine in market-gardening in South-Benin: financial returns analysis

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Size: 0.42 MB


Session 4b - Positive spin offs using mobile urinals and UD toilets in Burkina Faso

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Size: 0.44 MB


Session 4b - Prospects and Challenges in the reuse of human excreta in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya

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Size: 0.18 MB


Session 4b - Study on the compost produced by compost bins and ecosan latrines and survey on knowledge attitudes and practices in usage of compost bins and ecosan latrines

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Size: 0.24 MB


Session 4b - Use of Faecal Sludge for Agriculture in Tamale Metropolis: perception of Farmers, Consumers and Relevant Agencies

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Size: 0.12 MB


Session 5 - Social representattions of hygiene and excretes disposal - The case of ecological dry toilets introduction in Quibdo and Tumaco-Columbia

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Size: 0.15 MB


Session 5 - Towards a common goal. The challenges of the sanitation sector in Zambia

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Size: 0.11 MB


Session 6 - Gender aspects of ecological sanitation with urine diverting dry toilets

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Size: 0.19 MB


Session 7a - Feasibility assessment of application of onsite volume reduction system (OVRS) for source-separated urine

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Size: 0.24 MB


Session 7a - Is the Agricultural utilisation of Treated Urine and Faces recommendable?

Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.36 MB


Session 7a - Solar thermal sanitation of human faeces - an affordable solution for ensuring sustainability of EcoSan activities

Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.19 MB


Session 8 - Going to scale with urine diversion in Sweden - From individual households to municipal systems in 15 years

Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.15 MB


The 3rd International Dry Toilet Conference in Tampere, Finland

Published in: 2009
Pages: 0


Various Authors

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