The setting is in a small village in southern Syria where approximately 300 houses exist with an average of 5
inhabitants living in each one. The villagers produce some of the products they need by practicing agriculture in
lands adjacent to their houses. Some larger scale agricultural activities are being practiced. The products are sold in a vegetable market in the village. Water is supplied to the houses by water network from a private well.
Wastewater is collected by a sewage network which disposes it directly to a nearby Wadi without any treatment.
The traditional concept of cleanness among the people entitles the extensive use of detergents and disinfectants.
Women are generally the ones responsible for the house work.
Solid waste is collected by trucks, which is organized by the local council. The collected waste is to be afterwards
burnt in a land near the village.
Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management (2017). Wastewater Treatment and Energy Production in Southern Syria Case study publication SSWM
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