Kabul is the capital and largest city of Afghanistan, located in the eastern section of the country. According to a 2012 estimate, the population of the city was around 3,289,000. It was selected for the SFD program because it is a mega city with only 20% supplied with piped water and 60% informal dwellings. In Kabul it was estimated that 25% of excreta is managed safely while 75% of the excreta ends up directly in the environment without adequate treatment.
This Shit Flow Diagram (SFD) Report was created through desk-based research by GIZ as part of the SFD Promotion Initiative.
Date of production: 16/05/2016
Last update: 11/08/2016
Hassib, Y., Etemadi, H. (2016). SFD Report - Kabul, Afghanistan Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Urban (entire city)EnglishSFD General LibrarySFD Report