SuSanA Library

Uddin, N., Muhandiki, V., Fukuda, J., Sakai, A. (2011) Ecological sanitation in low-income countries Assessment of social acceptance and scope of scaling up

Online since: 26.08.2011
Views: 4646
Downloads: 40

Segtnan, A. (2011) Toilet pot for slum areas Industrial design research, sketches and conclusions

Online since: 24.08.2011
Views: 4595
Downloads: 83

Kar, K., Milward, K. (2011) Digging in, spreading out and growing up: Introducing CLTS in Africa IDS Practice Paper 8

Online since: 24.08.2011
Views: 5534
Downloads: 93

von Münch, E., Ingle, R., Mbalo, D., Kappauf, L. (eds.) (2012) Compilation of 13 factsheets on key sustainable sanitation topics

Online since: 22.08.2011
Views: 16882
Downloads: 28143

Online since: 18.08.2011
Views: 4253
Downloads: 25

GIZ (2011) Réutilisation des eaux grises à la Mosquée Al Yajouri, Béni Abbès (in French) Reuse of greywater at the Mosque Al Yajouri, Béni Abbès

Online since: 11.08.2011
Views: 4385
Downloads: 46

Hanchett, S. et al. (2011) Long-Term Sustainability of Improved Sanitation in Rural Bangladesh Scaling Up Rural Sanitation

Online since: 10.08.2011
Views: 4549
Downloads: 37

Peter, S., Zurbrügg, C. (eds.) (2011) Sandec News 2011 July 2011, Vol. 12

Online since: 09.08.2011
Views: 5049
Downloads: 31

Stuber, N., Riad, M., Husselmann, H., Fahrländer, F. (2011) Community-managed wastewater treatment system in El-Moufty El-Kobra, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 18.07.2011
Views: 12076
Downloads: 346

NETWAS-U (2011) Ecological sanitation in Uganda Inspirational success stories from the field

Online since: 14.07.2011
Views: 5353
Downloads: 85

Online since: 14.07.2011
Views: 5276
Downloads: 56

Schröder, E. (2011) Economic effects of sustainable sanitation Logistics of human excreta in Uganda

Online since: 14.07.2011
Views: 5935
Downloads: 121

Kanyemba, A. (2011) Growing up at school A guide to menstrual management for school girls

Online since: 09.07.2011
Views: 7492
Downloads: 418

Li, Z., Zhang, L.., Mang, H.-P., Huba, E. (2011) Sustainable sanitation campaign in China

Online since: 07.07.2011
Views: 4431
Downloads: 28

Udaeta, E. M. et al. (2010) Guía técnica de diseño y ejecución de proyectos de agua y saneamiento con tecnologías alternativas (in Spanish) Technical guide to designing and implementing water and sanitation projects with alternative technologies

Online since: 05.07.2011
Views: 6002
Downloads: 254

Geurts, M. (2005) Fact sheet on Sanitation Introduction to the main characteristics of human excreta and grey water

Online since: 05.07.2011
Views: 4854
Downloads: 26

Syahril, S., Schlick, J., Klingel, F., Bracken, P., Werner, C. (2005) Gebers collective housing project, Orhem, Sweden

Online since: 01.07.2011
Views: 10730
Downloads: 17865

Rosemarin, A., Kvarnström, E., Subbaraman, M., Ganapathy, V., Dagerskog, L. and Pasupathiraj, K (2007) Ecosan systems that accommodate anal washing

Online since: 01.07.2011
Views: 4912
Downloads: 54

Online since: 01.07.2011
Views: 4643
Downloads: 50

CNSS (2011) 4-in-1 biogas systems Sanitation aspects & acceptance issues

Online since: 01.07.2011
Views: 5668
Downloads: 158



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