SuSanA Library

Meinzinger, F., Oldenburg, M., Lisanework, A., Gutema, K., Otterpohl, R., Krusche, P., Jebens, O. (2009) Implementation of urine-diverting dry toilets in multi-storey apartment buildings in Ethiopia

Online since: 12.04.2011
Views: 5302
Downloads: 96

Kanzler, A., Martinez, C. (2009) Introducción de saneamiento básico (ecosan) en el programa PROAPAC de Bolivia (in Spanish) Introduction of basic sanitation (ecosan) in the program PROAPAC in Bolivia

Online since: 12.04.2011
Views: 6892
Downloads: 85

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Urinoirs (in French) Urinals

Online since: 08.04.2011
Views: 4101
Downloads: 32

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Urine. Notre urine vaut de l'or! (in French) Urine. Our urine is worth gold !

Online since: 08.04.2011
Views: 4066
Downloads: 47

Dagerskog, L. (2009) L'utilisation de Takin Ruwa (in French) The use of Takin Ruwa (liquid fertiliser)

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 4070
Downloads: 28

Dagerskog, L. (2009) La production de Takin Ruwa (in French) The production of Takin Ruwa (liquid fertiliser)

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 4550
Downloads: 45

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Takin Busasché. Production (in French) Takin Busasché (solid fertiliser). Production

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 3659
Downloads: 29

Dagerskog, L. (2009) L' utilisation de Taki Busasché (in French) The use of Taki Busasche (solid fertiliser)

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 4248
Downloads: 7070

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Latrine sèche. Utilisation (in French) Dry latrine. Guidelines for users

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 6689
Downloads: 39

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Latrine sèche. Préparation (in French) Dry latrine. Construction

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 4575
Downloads: 7613

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Latrine sèche (in French) Dry latrine

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 4594
Downloads: 33

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Latrine à compost. Utilisation (in French) Composting latrine. Guidelines for use

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 5063
Downloads: 50

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Latrine à compost. Préparation (in French) Composting latrine. Construction

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 4583
Downloads: 42

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Latrine à compost (in French) Composting latrine

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 5264
Downloads: 50

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Using Takin Ruwa PS-Aguié has produced a series of factsheets with an overview on the construction and use of low-cost toilets/urinals and reuse urine and faeces. The factsheets are available in English and French

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 3704
Downloads: 24

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Using Taki Busasché PS-Aguié has produced a series of factsheets with an overview on the construction and use of low-cost toilets/urinals and reuse urine and faeces. The factsheets are available in English and French

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 3866
Downloads: 6425

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Urine - collection - application - results Our urine is a liquid gold

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 3636
Downloads: 29

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Urinals PS-Aguié has produced a series of factsheets with an overview on the construction and use of low-cost toilets/urinals and reuse urine and faeces. The factsheets are available in English and French

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 3529
Downloads: 20

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Takin Ruwa production

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 3982
Downloads: 26

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Taki Busasché Production PS-Aguié has produced a series of factsheets with an overview on the construction and use of low-cost toilets/urinals and reuse urine and faeces. The factsheets are available in English and French

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 3835
Downloads: 6373



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