Teaching ecological sanitation at the Chisungu Primary School, Epworth, Zimbabwe Fieldnote November 2010 Shangwa, A. (2010)

In 2008 a decision was made to investigate practical methods of introducing the concept of ecological sanitation to a school in Zimbabwe, in collaboration with the EcoSanRes project at the Stockholm Environment Institute in Sweden. The school environment was chosen since schools are the major centres of learning worldwide, teachers enthusiastic and pupils eager to learn new things. The school is an obvious choice for spreading new ideas. The project was seen as a research and pilot study – to evaluate what could be done in a primary school setting. The paper describes the mentioned project.

Bibliographic information

Shangwa, A. (2010). Teaching ecological sanitation at the Chisungu Primary School, Epworth, Zimbabwe Fieldnote November 2010 EcoSanRes, WRC, Southern Africa knowledge node on sustainable sanitation

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Sustainable WASH in institutions and gender equality (WG7)Peri-urbanSchoolsEnglish


Teaching ecological sanitation at the Chisungu Primary School, Epworth, Zimbabwe

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Teaching ecological sanitation at the Chisungu Primary School, Epworth, Zimbabwe

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0

EcoSanRes, WRC, Southern Africa knowledge node on sustainable sanitation

Shangwa, A.

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