The project focuses on a IDPs camp in North-East Syria. The camp hosts approximately 7000 people and is located at a 15km distance from Hasaka city. The average staying time for the IDPs is about 2 months and the camp management falls under the responsibility of IRD, supported by the UNHCR.
9 other INGOs (Save the Children, NRC, MSF, IRC and others) and 5 NGOs are supporting the camp. The services provided are shelter, health, WASH and protection. The camp has been active since 03.2017. It is now a transition camp, with potential of becoming a permanent one.
Bhantari, B., Nechita, C., Membrano, C. (2017). Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management in Arisha Camp, Syria Case study publication SSWM
Camps (emergency or longer term)Case studies in other formatsEnglishWater (irrigation, process, other)