Financing the Informal Entrepreneur Recognizing Business Opportunities in Sanitation van der Wel, A., Bereziat, E., de Bruijne, G., Barendse, J. (2010)

This paper provides information about risks and opportunities of financing informal entrepreneurs in the sanitation sector, based on experiences from a workshop organized in Nairobi in February 2010. Within the framework of the ROSA project a workshop about risks and opportunities of financing informal entrepreneurs in the sanitation sector was organized. The aim was to improve the situation of small businesses in this sector and to bridge the gap between the entrepreneurs and local money institutions. Three examples show that success is possible and people can sustain their living from working in the sanitation sector. In many cases informal entrepreneurs replace the work of local municipalities actually responsible for these issues. From a business perspective there is a need for better equipment to provide sufficient service, therefore money is needed. From an environmental point of view better disposal mechanisms need to be established as often faeces are dumped just outside the city boundaries. From an health perspective regulations and monitoring are most important.

Bibliographic information

van der Wel, A., Bereziat, E., de Bruijne, G., Barendse, J. (2010). Financing the Informal Entrepreneur Recognizing Business Opportunities in Sanitation Published in SSP Issue Vol 5 "Sanitation as a Business", Ecosan Club, Austria

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Financing the Informal Entrepreneur: Recognizing Business Opportunities in Sanitation

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Financing the Informal Entrepreneur

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0

Published in SSP Issue Vol 5 "Sanitation as a Business", Ecosan Club, Austria

van der Wel, A., Bereziat, E., de Bruijne, G., Barendse, J.

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