Monitoring and Evaluation of ROSA projects in Nakuru Results field observations and questionnaires Kraft, L. (2011)

A one week field monitoring and evaluation was done for 3 different former ROSA projects in Nakuru being 1.UDDTS at a church and nursery school; 2.UDDTs and greywater treatment at Secondary School and 3.UDDTs at a residential plot Nakuru. The consultant used questionaires and observations to get an overview of the current status of projects. Moreover the consultant interviewed various stakeholders that are responsible for waste collection, treatment and sale of compost being MEWAREMA (Menengai Waste Recyclers Management), NAWACOM (Nakuru Waste Collectors and Recyclers) and the Municipality Council of Nakuru. In summary the UDDT itself, the design and also the usage is widely accepted and liked by the users. However the is a lack of a functioning collecting, transport and treatment system since there is a great challenge in marketing UDDT products - namely compost from human manure. This is the key constrain to the sustainability of the constructed UDDTs.

Bibliographic information

Kraft, L. (2011). Monitoring and Evaluation of ROSA projects in Nakuru Results field observations and questionnaires GIZ

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) RuralPractitionersEnglishFertiliser


Monitoring and Evaluation of ROSA projects in Nakuru

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Monitoring and Evaluation of ROSA projects in Nakuru

Published in: 2011
Pages: 0


Kraft, L.

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