Bangladesh Acceptance to the UDDT: Post emergency context and socio-cultural aspects Case study in coastal Bangladesh Mazeau, A. P. (2009)

Following the disaster caused by cyclone Sidr, in November 2007, the INGO “Fondation Terre des hommes - Lausanne” developed a water and sanitation programme in Bangladesh in partnership with MultiTask (a Bangladeshi NGO). 100 families were to benefit from the programme by the end of 2009. The programme is located in the Barisal district, in a rural and coastal area, characterised by a high frequency of floods and risk of storms and cyclones. Classical solutions applied in post emergency context for sanitation are VIP or pour flush latrines, these solutions are not easily adapted to flood and cyclone prone areas. Therefore MultiTask and Terre des hommes built 100 Urine Diversion Dehydration Toilet (UDDT) based on the fact that sanitation should also meet some environmental standards, linked to health consequences. This study investigates the potential socio-cultural barriers of a urine diversion dehydration toilet project and asks whether a specific technology can be developed in a context characterised by different socio-cultural parameters. Going away from preconceived ideas about the Bangladeshi culture and focusing on two coastal villages of Bangladesh, this report investigates the following problem statement: The urine diversion dehydration toilet implies a new behaviour and a change of habits for the household in terms of use and maintenance. Some socio-cultural aspects (such as religion, gender, poverty, social structures, etc...) might constitute a barrier in the acceptance of this facility. Following this statement, the aim of the study is to identify the socio-cultural barriers in a urine diverted dehydration toilet project in the coastal area of Bangladesh. Due to the lack of time and resources available during the study, focus has been given to three following socio-cultural aspects, given that they seem to be the most eloquent: Religion (Islam) Gender Social structure

Bibliographic information

Mazeau, A. P. (2009). Bangladesh Acceptance to the UDDT: Post emergency context and socio-cultural aspects Case study in coastal Bangladesh Terre des Hommes

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) RuralCase studies in other formatsEnglish


Bangladesh acceptance to UDDT: Post emergency context and socio-cultural aspects

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Bangladesh Acceptance to the UDDT: Post emergency context and socio-cultural aspects

Published in: 2009
Pages: 0

Terre des Hommes

Mazeau, A. P.

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