How do land tenure issues affect sanitation provision for the urban poor? How can water and sanitation provision empower the urban poor? Homeless International Learning Brief - No.1 and No.2 Homeless International (2011)

The two learning briefs are based on the experience of the multi-country community-led project ‘Water and sanitation provision for the urban poor in Malawi, Tanzania and Zimbabwe’, implemented by Homeless International through the support of UKaid from the Department for International Development. The project enabled our long-term partners CCODE (Centre for Community Organisation and Development, Malawi), DZ (Dialogue on Shelter for the Homeless in Zimbabwe) and CCI (Centre for Community Initiatives, Tanzania) to provide access to improved water and sanitation for over 10,000 people. The sanitation improvements include construction of household and community-managed public toilets using affordable loans from revolving loan funds, training and hygiene promotion. Local and international community exchange visits were used to encourage learning in communities facing similar challenges. Learning Brief No.1: How do land tenure issues affect sanitation provision for the urban poor? This learning brief aims to share experience and provide key lessons from the project for water and sanitation NGOs, community organisations implementing similar initiatives, as well as urban and housing practitioners. The brief, which focuses on the relationship between land tenure and sanitation, highlights lessons in four areas: the importance of community-led surveys; changing perceptions of sanitation provision for the urban poor; integrating tenure and sanitation; and tenant-landlord relations. These lessons are drawn from practical feedback from our partners and an external evaluation of the project. Learning Brief No.2: How can water and sanitation provision empower the urban poor? This learning brief draws on experience from the project to examine how community-led water and sanitation provision supports and creates opportunities for social empowerment. The brief highlights the role of water and sanitation in: removing barriers; acting as a social leveller; and providing a platform for change. It also looks at the challenges involved in water and sanitation provision.

Bibliographic information

Homeless International (2011). How do land tenure issues affect sanitation provision for the urban poor? How can water and sanitation provision empower the urban poor? Homeless International Learning Brief - No.1 and No.2 Homeless International (HI), UK

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Urban informal settlements (slums)English


How can water and sanitation provision empower the urban poor? Learning Brief No.2

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How do land tenure issues affect sanitation provision for the urban poor? Learning Brief No.1

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Size: 0.69 MB


How do land tenure issues affect sanitation provision for the urban poor? How can water and sanitation provision empower the urban poor?

Published in: 2011
Pages: 0

Homeless International (HI), UK

Homeless International

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