Urban WASH programming in Megacities: Supporting Low Income Communities of Dhaka, Bangladesh Pinfold, J. (2019)

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for urban populations is one of UNICEF’s emerging areas of focus, highlighted in its Global WASH Strategy (2016–2030). ‘Megacities’ have unique challenges, and often house disproportionately high numbers of women and children who are severely neglected in terms of access to WASH and other essential services. Over many years, UNICEF Bangladesh has been supporting the provision of improved WASH services to the Low-Income Communities (LICs) of Dhaka; experience and expertise that has led to an effective service delivery model that could be used as a template in other similar cities. This model has led to fruitful partnerships with relevant government agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and other development partners in addressing the WASH needs of the most vulnerable and poorest households in Dhaka LICs. This Field Note illustrates the UNICEF Bangladesh urban WASH programme in the LICs of Dhaka, and is designed to be useful as a learning note for the implementation of WASH programming in megacities of developing world.

Bibliographic information

Pinfold, J. (2019). Urban WASH programming in Megacities: Supporting Low Income Communities of Dhaka, Bangladesh United Nations Children’s Fund, New York, USA

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Urban WASH programming in Megacities: Supporting Low Income Communities of Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Urban WASH programming in Megacities: Supporting Low Income Communities of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Published in: 2019
Pages: 12

United Nations Children’s Fund, New York, USA

Pinfold, J.

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