A decade of the total sanitation campaign Vol.1: Main report: Rapid assessment of processes and outcomes WSP (2010)

The Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) of the Government of India has been in operation for over a decade (1999 to date), and the Nirmal Gram Puraskar, a fiscal incentive programme that rewards local governments (Green Panchayats) that achieve total sanitation, has completed five years (2005 to date). The country has made significant progress in terms of coverage and outcomes. However, these achievements have been concentrated in a few states while others continue to lag significantly behind.The study findings show among other things that better performing districts are not doing different things but are doing things differently within the TSC framework. As detailed, better performing districts use the opportunities for flexibility available within the guidelines to adapt implementation to their field realities and learn from successes and mistakes to scale up the programme.

Bibliographic information

WSP (2010). A decade of the total sanitation campaign Vol.1: Main report: Rapid assessment of processes and outcomes World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), USA

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A decade of the total sanitation campaign - Vol.1: Main report

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A decade of the total sanitation campaign

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0

World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), USA


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