The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the United Kingdom Department for international Development (DfiD) are collaborating to demonstrate how cities can use binding service level agreements and performance-based contracts with private sector partners as a way to ensure the city-wide delivery of sustainable sanitation services that are equitable and provide both private and public benefits.
Under this joint initiative, eleven teams from South Asia and Africa were selected during early 2014. The teams went through detailed investigation in their cities, to identify the best way to manage fecal sludge by engaging private sector using performance based contracts at their selected cities, as the first phase of their work. Five out of the eleven teams received funding for their Phase 2 implementation. All of the eleven teams were invited to present their findings and plan for the second phase. In addition, to the eleven teams, other grantees were also invited who are working in several cities in Bangladesh, India and Ghana to join the meeting.
Content (downloads available below):
Towards an Efficient Private Sector Led FSM Framework for Kampala
FSM in Freetown, Sierra Leone: Findings from Phase 1
Bringing sustainable and equitable sanitation services to small and medium towns in India (CEPT)
Various Authors (2015). City Partnership Meeting & FSM Toolbox Planning Workshop Hanoi, Vietnam BMGF-DfiD City Partnership Meeting
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