Post installation routine maintenance (PIRM) Scheme of KVIC/India KVIC (1991)

KIVC (Khadi and Village Industries Commission) in India attempted to arange the maintenance and repair service for biogas plants and has started an integrated program aimed at doing this. Susequent to the guarantee period of two years which is attended to by the contractors, an initial three-year service phase follows which is carried out by the service mechanics trainded for this purpose. Each plant is to be visited as a routine three times a year. The trained mechanics are paid by KVIC according to the number of visits they make to plants. If there are around 200 plants within the services sector a technician can achieve an annual income of 8,000 Rps.

Bibliographic information

KVIC (1991). Post installation routine maintenance (PIRM) Scheme of KVIC/India Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA), Bremen, Germany

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Pot installatin routine maintenance (PIRM) Scheme of KVIC/India

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Post installation routine maintenance (PIRM) Scheme of KVIC/India

Published in: 1991
Pages: 0

Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA), Bremen, Germany


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