Pharmaceuticals in human sanitary products for use in tropical agriculture Case study at the Valley View University in Accra, Ghana Sinar, E. (2008)

Pharmaceutical products are used in the treatment of diseases and for protection of human health. Several pharmaceuticals show biological activity after being excreted with urine and faeces. In the last few decades, various pharmaceutical residues have been detected around the globe and there is concern, they will have further effects in the environment. At Valley View University (VVU) in Ghana, human waste products are reused to fertilise and irrigate the surrounding fields. Potential pharmaceutical residues are of concern. Major diseases in Ghana differ to other countries such as Germany and influence the composition of the drugs consumed.

Bibliographic information

Sinar, E. (2008). Pharmaceuticals in human sanitary products for use in tropical agriculture Case study at the Valley View University in Accra, Ghana

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Pharmaceuticals in human sanitary products for use in tropical agriculture

Published in: 2008
Pages: 0


Sinar, E.

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