SFD Report - Kisumu City, Kenya SFD Promotion Initiative Furlong, C. (2015)

Kisumu is the principal city of western Kenya and the third largest city in Kenya. It covers an approximate area of 297 km2 and sits on the shores of Lake Victoria. The city is divided into two topographical areas, the hilly north and the southern plain. The current population is estimated to be 419,072 and 60% of the population live in informal settlements. A majority of people in Kisumu use unlined pit latrines (66%). A majority of these pits are manually emptied and the faecal sludge is then discharged into the local environment without treatment. 20% of the excreta from the population of Kisumu is discharge directly to sewers, 80% of this stream reaches one of the two sewage treatment plants where it is treated. 9% of the populations’ excreta in contained in improved pit latrines, sealed or septic tanks. These are emptied by vacuum tankers and the faecal sludge is then taken to Nyalenda Sewage Treatment Plant. Currently 33% of the excreta produced by the population of Kisumu is considered to be safely managed.

Bibliographic information

Furlong, C. (2015). SFD Report - Kisumu City, Kenya SFD Promotion Initiative Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)

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SFD Report - Kisumu City, Kenya

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SFD Report - Kisumu City, Kenya

Published in: 2015
Pages: 38

Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)

Furlong, C.

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