Scientific and management support for ventilated improved pit latrines (VIP) sludge content Bakare, B. F. (2014)

Providing adequate sanitation to all in the form of VIP latrines as proposed by the South African Government Strategic Framework for Water Services does not end with building toilets. All municipalities need to plan for maintenance during the operation and when these toilets reach their capacity. An understanding of the processes occurring in pit latrines will facilitate better management during their lifespan and identifying suitable options for dealing with the accumulated sludge when they eventually reach their capacity. This research aims at providing scientific support for decision making in management of accumulated sludge in ventilated improved pit latrines during their life span and when they reach their capacity under South African conditions. The approach to this research work was divided into two main thrusts: The first was to provide an understanding of the processes in VIP latrines and mechanism of sludge stabilization in pit latrines. The second approach was to provide management and disposal options for pit latrine sludge before and once it has been exhumed in the context of the eThekwini pit latrine emptying programme. Two options were used as case studies, namely: (i) deep row entrenchment of exhumed pit sludge for agroforestry and, (ii) in situ treatment of pit sludge using additives. Supervisors: Dr Kitty Foxon and co-supervised by Prof Chris Buckley. See also here for more information:

Bibliographic information

Bakare, B. F. (2014). Scientific and management support for ventilated improved pit latrines (VIP) sludge content PhD Thesis, University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN), Durban, South Africa

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Scientific and management support for ventilated improved pit latrines (VIP) sludge content

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Scientific and management support for ventilated improved pit latrines (VIP) sludge content

Published in: 2014
Pages: 0

PhD Thesis, University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN), Durban, South Africa

Bakare, B. F.

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