Presentations and documents on the topic of constructed wetlands (CWs), anaerobic baffled reactors (ABRs) and DEWATS (in English, French and German) Various authors (2014)

This library entry contains various presentations and documents on the topic of constructed wetlands (CWs), anaerobic baffled reactors (ABRs) and DEWATS. ++++++ 1) "Performance and dimensioning of actively aerated treatment wetland systems" DWA-Workshop, Potsdam J. Nivala, T. Aubron, K. Bernhard, P. Mosig, M. van Afferden, S. Wallace, R. Müller Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (2014) +++++++++++++ 2) “Entwicklung eines innovativen Pflanzenfilters zur Eliminierung von Arzneimittelrückständen im Ablauf kleiner Kläranlagen und dezentraler Kleinkläranlagen.” (English Translation: "Development of an innovative crop filter for elimination of drug residues in the flow of small sewage treatment plants and decentralized small wastewater treatment plants.") Workshop zu Aktualisierung des DWA A-262 Bepflanzte Bodenfilter Fachhochschule Potsdam Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) and Universität Bremen (2014) +++++++++++++ 3) "Techniques d’épuration par les plantes - Epuvalisation et filtres végétalisés" Marc WAUTHELET Consultant EPUVALEAU, asbl, Université de Liège / Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech Date: 2009

Bibliographic information

Various authors (2014). Presentations and documents on the topic of constructed wetlands (CWs), anaerobic baffled reactors (ABRs) and DEWATS (in English, French and German) Various publishers

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Biogas systems Constructed wetlandsPresentationsEnglishFrenchGerman


1 - Performance and dimensioning of actively aerated treatment wetland sytsems

Type: application/pdf
Size: 2.24 MB


2 - Entwicklung eines innovativen Pflanzenfilters

Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.71 MB


3 - Techniques d’épuration par les plantes (Marc Wauthelet, 2009)

Type: application/
Size: 7.06 MB


Presentations and documents on the topic of constructed wetlands (CWs), anaerobic baffled reactors (ABRs) and DEWATS

Published in: 2014
Pages: 0

Various publishers

Various authors

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