Design of a supply chain for a sustainable sanitation system on the example of Accra and Kade, Ghana Neri, I. F. M. (2009)

This thesis studies the feasibility of implementing a large-scale ecosan based sanitation system, by exploring different configurations of the supply chain intended to collect, transport and use sanitized human excreta as a fertilizer. The analysis is executed in the city of Accra and in the semi-urban settlement of Kade. The lack of improved sanitation facilities in Ghana has led to pollution of its water bodies and open spaces due to improper disposal of human waste. At the same time, urine and faeces contain the nutrients that were taken away from the soils when food was grown. As these excreta is disposed in a different place other that the origin of its nutrients, the soils are in a serious state of depletion. Studies have been carried out to implement the Ecological Sanitation (ecosan) concept in the city of Accra and various models have been suggested. However, their implementation is constrained by the rejection that the society may have regarding the use of excreta as a fertilizer in agriculture and also by the huge logistics costs that the transport of urine implies.

Bibliographic information

Neri, I. F. M. (2009). Design of a supply chain for a sustainable sanitation system on the example of Accra and Kade, Ghana

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Design of a supply chain for a sustainable sanitation system on the example of Accra and Kade, Ghana

Published in: 2009
Pages: 0


Neri, I. F. M.

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