The 6th International Dry Toilet Conference 2018 was held in Tampere, Finland on 22nd – 24th August 2018. The theme of the conference was Dry Toilet Goes Circular with a focus on Cooperation, Co-creation and Experimentation.
Please find the oral presentations and poster presentations below via the links to the page of the GlobalDry Toilet association of Finland.
***** Oral Presentations: *****
Alisa Keesey: Container-based Sanitation at the Standing Rock Protest: an experiment in communal toilet management and extreme composting in rural North Dakota, USA
Jan Hitzegrad:Pilot Project for Basic Needs Service Provision for Rural Households in Mexico – A status report
Jean Gaston: Implementation of a dry toilet with biocontrolled litter device in an Haitian rural area
Oyungerel Tsedevdamba: Promoting Sustainable Sanitation to Mongolian Public Using a Book and Nationwide training
Linus Dagerskog: Return to learn – ecosan use and reuse post-project in villages in Burkina Faso and Niger
Mariya E. Kelova: Dry toilets technology review within the framework of circular economy: The transformation of human excreta into new resources and risks associated with their utilization
Surendra K Pradhan: Mineral fertilizer production from human urine using Gaspermeable hydrophobic membrane
Derek Lam: Eco toilet DEHTLET system
Xanthe Roux: Assessing two toilet designs and how innovative technologies might lead to better acceptance
Yoshiki Higuchi: Introduction of Compact Compost Toilet as a Disaster Preparedness to Detached Housing in Japan
Linus Dagerskog: Developing the Clean and Green Village framework – combining advantages from CLTS and ecological sanitation for rural health and productivity
Nyambe Sikopo: The image of peri-urban sanitation and health through the eyes of the young: Understanding community sanitation and health in Lusaka, Zambia
Min Prasad Basnet: Sustaining sanitation movements generating livelihoods for low income households
Namaste Lal Bhoomi Shrestha: Social and Cultural Aspects of Sustainable Sanitation
Joseph Jenkins: Thermophilic Composting as a Sanitation Alternative in Nicaragua
Edith Godfroy: Implemented practices of ecological sanitation – Food security – Social and cultural aspects of sustainable sanitation (Burkina Faso)
Ole Ersson: Community composting toilet system using IAPMO WE-Stand
Natasha Dokovska: Water and Sanitation Safety Planning(WSSP) in Rural Areas of Eastern Europe
Claudia Wendland: Community Based Data on Sanitation and MHM at Home, Work and School Worldwide
Benjamin C. Wilde: Nitrified Urine Fertilizer Field Trial: An Ecological Assessment of NUF on Maize Growth in South Africa
S.Vishwanath: The reuse of untreated waste-water and faecal sludge in a small town – the nudge approach
Fedde Jorritsma: Producing heat and compost from humanure with Biomeilers
J. M. Raude: Faecal Sludge Briquettes: Turning Human Waste Into Energy
Eeva-Liisa Viskari: Fertilizer potential of human urine in barley cultivation
Tamene Hailu: Characterization and Valorization of fecal for Development of Sustainable Urban Sanitation in Ethiopia
Samuel Autran: Container-based Sanitation as a low-cost solution in high-need areas: a case study review of community-based compost sanitation in six countries
Bimal Tandukar: Aerobic Bio-Composting Toilet – An affordable toilet solution to sustain ODF
M. Ganesapillai: Self Sustained Sanitation for Resource Recovery of Plant Essential Nutrients
Prithvi Simha: From liquid waste to dry commercial-grade fertiliser: Alkaline dehydration technology for urine-diverting toilets
Verster Bernelle: Getting everyone – rich and poor – to use urine diversion dry toilets: moving to resource recovery and equitable sanitation in the South African context
Ben Aguilar: Winning back the health of Filipino schoolchildren: the relationships between the Department of Education’s Wash in Schools Program, School Based Feeding Program, and Philippine Informal Reading Inventory
Renata Coura: Nitrogen recovery from agroindustrial wastewater by struvite precipitation in a strategy to overcome methane production inhibition by ammonium nitrogen
Gina S Itchon: Improving the Nutritional Outcomes of School-based Feeding for Filipino Children: Integrating Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH)
Hasti Rezaei: Promotion and implementation of ECOSAN with corporation and creativity of stakeholders in University of Tehran, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UTCAN)
Claudia Wendland: National Technical Standard for Construction and Operation of UDDT in Moldova – 10 years ecosan success story from grassroot to national level
Lloyd-EkoLakay in Haiti: Can Container-Based Sanitation be a Key Component of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation for Dense Urban Settings?
Rikka Allolea Casiño Laplap-Macariola: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) Conditions and its Links to Intestinal Parasitism and Anemia Among Pregnant Women in the Philippines
Stella Neema: Children’s participation in inclusive innovation process using human rights based approach and design thinking
Uzra Sultana: Project Nirmal – Piloting appropriate and sustainable sanitation service delivery in small towns of Odisha, India
Dexter Lo: Floodplain Modeling as Tool for Communicating Urban Sanitation Issues in a Changing Climate: The Case of Bitanag Creek
***** Poster presentations DT2018 *****
Here are the conference poster presentations that are allowed to be published in our website.
Garcia- Promotion of dry urine diverting (eco-san) toilets in rural Nepal – results, technical development and challenges
Farhat- An Initiative to Introduce Water Sanitation and Hygiene Education in Schools Through WASH Clubs in Rural Areas of Bahawalpur District, Pakistan
Lloyd- EkoLakay in Haiti: Can Container-Based Sanitation be a Key Component of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation for Dense Urban Settings?
Masgon- Human Urine as Soil Enhancer to Sustainable Vegetable Gardens of an IDP Community in Marawi City
Viskari- Nutrient Recovery With Source Separation of Urine- Environmental Benefits and Fertilizer Potential (published earlier)
Various Authors (2018). Dry Toilet Conference 2018 presentations and posters
Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toiletsContainer based systems (CBS)Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Faeces or faecal sludgeUrinePosters, brochures and flyersPresentationsEnglishFertiliser