UCEP Bangladesh is a non-profit and non-governmental organization aims to uplift the socio-economic conditions of underprivileged communities through help to learn skills to earn. UCEP stands for Underprivileged Children’s Educational Programs; however, we prefer to use the short form i.e. UCEP because UCEP also extends its supports to the youth from the underprivileged communities as a response to the changing needs and contexts. UCEP is working since 1972 and more about our history is available in the history section of the website.
UCEP’s core program is the Technical and Vocational Education and Training, which is comprised of both 3 - 6 months (and also customized shorter course as per industry needs) skills training as well as formal stream of technical education (Grade 9 and 10 toward S.S.C. Vocational).
UCEP offers such training courses in a number of trades (currently 35) and some of these training are provided by following CBT&A (Competency-based Training & Assessment) method. All UCEP Training centers have RTO (Registered Training Organization) and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning Status) assessment center status from eh government in a number of trades.
UCEP’s five schools have achieved very good results with 100% pass rate in S.S.C. Examination of 2016 among about 2,000 schools in Bangladesh that offer S.S.C. (Vocational) education.
UCEP also offer 4-years diploma program through its UIST (UCEP Institute of Science and Technology), which is currently operates in Dhaka and has future expansion plan in other districts including Chittagong.
UCEP offers its TVET program through its 10 technical schools in 8 districts and also through outreach centers with the government in 2 districts as well as in the campus of UCEP’s General Education setups in a number of locations.
The National Skills Development Policy (NSDP) has developed a new framework of Bangladesh Skills System which consists of a. National Technical and Vocational Qualification Framework (NTVQF); b. Competency Based Industry Standards & Qualifications; and c. Bangladesh Skills Quality Assurance System. The main purpose of the new system is to empower all individuals to access decent employment and ensure Bangladesh's competitiveness in the global market through improved skills, knowledge and qualifications that are recognized for quality across the globe.In view of the new policy framework, UCEP has taken initiatives to align its technical education programs through implementing NTVQF system following Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBTA).
UCEP TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training): Plumbing
UCEP Bangladesh (2018). UCEP TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training): Plumbing UCEP Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
EnglishSyllabus and course outlines (adult learning)
UCEP TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training): Plumbing