The Faecal Sludge Transfer Station (FSTS) design is an innovation of Water for People (WfP) supported by GIZ RUWASS under a cofunding arrangement with the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). Under the Resource Recovery and Safe Reuse (RRR) Project Phase II, two mobile Faecal Sludge Transfer Stations have been piloted from April to June 2017 within informal urban settlements in Kampala.
The Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) was applied to the FSTS to understand if it will be sustainable and scalable, if it will meet users’ needs and to generally capture experiences related to the technology drawing together the various actors involved in its introduction. This report captures the findings of an evaluation of the FSTS in Kampala after nearly three months of operation. The objectives of the TAF application are listed below:
• To share experiences about the FSTS, including potential challenges and necessary improvements;
• To assess the uptake of the services provided by the FSTS;
• To assess the potential of the FSTS to address bottlenecks in FS management in Kampala;
• To assess the readiness of the sector to take up this technology.
Sanitation activities of GIZ in Uganda
Kimera, P. (2017). Technology Applicability Framework - Assessment of the Faecal Sludge Transfer Station in Kampala, Uganda Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Faecal sludge treatment processesEnglish
Sanitation activities of GIZ in Uganda