Social franchising partnerships for O&M of sanitation & water services Lessons and experiences from an Eastern Cape Pilot Wall, K., Ive, O. (2013)

The social franchising partnerships concept, as it has been applied in the Eastern Cape pilot, has been an unquali?ed success in terms of the quality and reliability of service delivered. Apart from the business modelling, training and nurturing support, and other advantages inherent in the franchising partnership concept, the ?nancial muscle of the franchise is a strength that is not to be underestimated. In the light of the inability of the DoE to reliably commit to on-time payment for services provided, it is thanks solely to the franchise arrangement that the franchisee microenterprises have survived. Standalone microenterprises without this kind of support would have gone out of business. The primary objective of the Butterworth Schools Sanitation and Water Servicing Pilot Project, i.e. to develop and test a model which can be used for rolling out similar services to the rest of the more than 4000 rural schools across the Eastern Cape, has undoubtedly been achieved. The state of the sanitation facilities at the pilot schools has improved so much that the DoE has requested for the programme to be rolled out to a further four education districts, totaling approximately 1400 schools.

Bibliographic information

Wall, K., Ive, O. (2013). Social franchising partnerships for O&M of sanitation & water services Lessons and experiences from an Eastern Cape Pilot Water Information Network (WIN-SA), South Africa

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Operation, maintenance and sustainable services (WG10)SchoolsEnglish


Social franchising partnerships for O&M of sanitation & water services

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Social franchising partnerships for O&M of sanitation & water services

Published in: 2013
Pages: 0

Water Information Network (WIN-SA), South Africa

Wall, K., Ive, O.

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