SFD Report - Holleta, Ethiopia SFD Promotion Initiative Veses, O., Dinku, H., Evans, B., Peal, A. (2016)

Holleta is an Ethiopian city located in the Oromia region at a distance of 35 Km from Addis Ababa, lying between levations of 2,320 and 2,460 meters above sea level. The average rainfall in Holleta is 1,367 mm and the mean temperature varies from 12.3 to 15.9oC. Population in 2015 was 57,828 with an average of 6.7 members per household. The main economic activity is agriculture with several crops cultivated in the area. Farming of livestock is rising and contributes to the development of the economy of the area as well.
The town obtains grain products, livestock supply, natural resources and labour from surrounding areas and manufacturing and commercial products from Addis Ababa.
About 90% of households collect part of their daily water requirement from the town’s water supply system, from either a private connection or public taps. Solid waste is collected by several micro-enterprises while vacuum trucks are used to collect faecal sludge; all wastes are discharged to an open-field dumpsite without treatment

Bibliographic information

Veses, O., Dinku, H., Evans, B., Peal, A. (2016). SFD Report - Holleta, Ethiopia SFD Promotion Initiative Univesity of Leeds (UoL)

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Faecal sludge treatment processesEnglishSFD Report


SFD Holleta

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SFD Report - Holleta, Ethiopia

Published in: 2016
Pages: 29

Univesity of Leeds (UoL)

Veses, O., Dinku, H., Evans, B., Peal, A.

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