The 1st International TPS Conference took place on the 28th to 31st of August 2013. It was well-attended and there were many vibrant discussions about TPS. Resources from the conference are now available on this page.
Terra Preta Sanitation is an issue of growing concern in the light of water and sanitation, climate change, energy and soil protection. The International Terra Preta Sanitation Conference aims at bringing scientists and practioners together to present their results and share their experiences.
The generation of new Terra Preta (‘terra preta nova’) based on the safe treatment of human waste could be the basis for sustainable agriculture in the twenty-first century to produce food for billions of people, and could lead to attaining a number of major Millennium Development Goals at the same time.
Papers published in the TPS-Handbook
Various Authors (2013). International Terra Preta Sanitation Conference - Hamburg, Germany Conference materials GFEU, WECF
Posters, brochures and flyersVideos and webinar recordingsEnglish
Papers published in the TPS-Handbook
Published in: 2013
Pages: 0
Various Authors
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