Water is life – Omeya ogo omwenyo CuveWaters report Various authors (2015)

The Cuvelai-Etosha Basin in Namibia is home to approximately 850,000 people – almost half the country’s population. They all need good and healthy water for their daily life, for farming and for sanitation purposes. The Namibian Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, together with the Institute for Social-Ecological Research and the Technical University Darmstadt in Germany, amongst others, launched the CuveWaters project to study and implement new water technologies in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.

Technologies that have been implemented: Rain- and floodwater harvesting, small-scale groundwater desalination, sanitation with water reuse and irrigation

The joint project “CuveWaters – Integrated Water Resources Management in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin“ of ISOE and TU Darmstadt (Institute IWAR) is being funded within the funding measure Integrated Water Resources Management by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It is part of the funding priority “Sustainable Water Management” (NaWaM).

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Various authors (2015). Water is life – Omeya ogo omwenyo CuveWaters report ISOE (Institute for Social-Ecological Research), Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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CuveWaters Report 2015: Omeya ogo omwenyo – Water is Life

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Water is life – Omeya ogo omwenyo

Published in: 2015
Pages: 44

ISOE (Institute for Social-Ecological Research), Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Various authors

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