User experience and drivers for adoption of ecological sanitation toilets in Kisoro and Kabale, Uganda Fu, N. (2010)

The objective of this thesis is to develop a more detailed case study about past programs in ecological sanitation (ecosan) in Uganda than is currently available in the literature. Poor sanitation is a problem still rampant in Uganda, contributing to high infectious disease prevalence and as a result, high infant mortality rates. Ecological Sanitation (ecosan), treats excreta and eliminates pathogens on site through a decomposition process, and the decomposed product, rich in nutrients, can be incorporated back into the environment as fertilizer. Ecosan has been implemented in developing countries around the world as a way to provide improved sanitation while protecting environmental health and conserving water. The largest ecosan projects in Uganda were started in Kisoro and Kabale districts over ten years ago, but thus far the technology still accounts for a negligible proportion of latrine usage in Uganda and has encountered limited spontaneous adoption.

Bibliographic information

Fu, N. (2010). User experience and drivers for adoption of ecological sanitation toilets in Kisoro and Kabale, Uganda

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User Experience and Drivers for Adoption of Ecological Sanitation Toilets in Kisoro and Kabale, Uganda

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User experience and drivers for adoption of ecological sanitation toilets in Kisoro and Kabale, Uganda

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0


Fu, N.

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