Jordan ranks as one of the world’s water-poorest countries. The influx of refugees from Syria into Jordan since 2011 is placing a heavy burden on its already strained water resources. This brings existing deficiencies in water supply to the forefront, leading to frequent supply bottlenecks and dissatisfaction among the population, particularly in rural areas.
Although the absolute quantity of water supplied cannot easily be increased by the responsible state company, it is possible to improve water infrastructure and water management practices so as to increase the satisfaction of water users. As part of the project “Supporting Participatory Resource Management to Stabilize the Situation in Host Communities (PRM)”, the German development agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) promotes public participation as a way to improve communication between different water user groups and the responsible water utility and to raise the legitimacy and quality of decisions in the provision of drinking water
SLE (2017). Social Aspects of Water Supply Management in Jordan Potential for Participation of Rural Communities and Implications for Process Design Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung (SLE), Berlin, Germany, ISBN: 3-936602-94-8
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