Accountability and shared governance
Nozibele Mjoli
Make or break: accountability central to good sanitation governance
Prasetyastuti Puspowardoya Co-management: enabling community-based sanitation sustainability
Nughroho Tri Utomo & Declan Hearne
Social contracts: a tool for better governance of water services
Justino da Silva
Supporting communities in Timor-Leste to audit government water supply services
Strengthening enabling environments
Henry Northover
How did the East Asian 'Tigers' deliver sanitation within a generation? Lessons for the SDGs
Virak Chan
Innovation and learning from behaviour change communication campaigns for rural sanitation in South East Asia
Gabrielle Halcrow
In pursuit of district-wide sanitation coverage: lessons from Bhutan, Cambodia and Nepal
Kumi Abeysuriya, Fany Wedahuditama, Joanne Chong and Juliet Willetts
Strengthening local government governance for long-term sanitation service delivery
Data for equity and sustainability
Megan Ritchie
The dilemma of safe water service in rural Laos and Cambodia
Hanna Goorden & Clare Hanley
Inclusive data collection and analysis in WASH programs
Libbet Loughnan Representing women through existing data on water, sanitation and hygiene
Rifat Hossain Monitoring inequalities for attaining universal WASH access in the Pacific
Building sector capacity
Melita Grant & Janina Murta
Effective communication for maximum impact: how do CSOs learn?
Justino da Silva
Professionalising community water management through associations in Timor-Leste
Annika Kearton
Community-based social learning for WASH in Suaghi Village, Solomon Islands
Muhammad Asim Saleem
Strategies to engage and influence government partners in Pakistan
#WASHFutures (WASHFutures)
WASH Futures Conference website with presentations
Various authors (2016). WASH management for sustainable service delivery WASH Futures Conference, Presentations from Stream A: WASH management for sustainable service delivery International Water Centre, 16-20 May 2016, Brisbane, Australia
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersPresentationsEnglish
Published in: 2016
Pages: 0
International Water Centre, 16-20 May 2016, Brisbane, Australia
Various authors
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International WaterCentre
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