Technical Guide to EcoSan Promotion Onyango, P., Odhiambo, O., Oduor, A. (2009)

The EcoSan Promotion Project (EPP) is a project component of the Water Sector Reform Programme in Kenya co-funded by the European Union, SIDA and GTZ and implemented between November 2006 and June 2010. It was started towards the end of 2006. The project’s aim is to develop, test and promote the Ecological Sanitation concept including development of technical designs for large and small-scale sanitation projects in Kenya. The focus is on: individual households; public places such as markets and bus parks; public institutions such as primary schools, secondary schools and prisons; and informal settlements. Consequently, the potential of sanitizing, recycling or re-using human waste for production of biogas and bio-fertilisers, through closing of the water and nutrient loops is realised while their use gets promoted for economic and social development.

Bibliographic information

Onyango, P., Odhiambo, O., Oduor, A. (2009). Technical Guide to EcoSan Promotion EU-GTZ-SIDA EcoSan Promotion Project

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Faeces or faecal sludgeUrinePeri-urbanRuralPractitionersGuidelines and manualsEnglish


Technical Guide to EcoSan Promotion

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Technical Guide to EcoSan Promotion

Published in: 2009
Pages: 0

EU-GTZ-SIDA EcoSan Promotion Project

Onyango, P., Odhiambo, O., Oduor, A.

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