In 2016 the Toilet Board Coalition ran a Feasibility Study to explore the potential role of mobile and digital applications to drive efficiencies and consumer demand in sanitation business models operating in low income markets. The following questions were at the centre of our inquiry:
• How are sanitation businesses operating in low-income markets using mobile and digital applications in their businesses today?
• How are sanitation businesses and entrepreneurs thinking about next generation opportunities for mobile and digital applications for their businesses in the future?
• What is needed to build the ecosystem for the digitisation of sanitation for the low income markets?
• Is there commercial interest and demand from large industrial operations to become buyers and investors into the system?
The study engaged twelve small and medium sized businesses engaged in the sanitation sector across low-income markets, with experts from multinational corporations, development organisations, and specialists from across the mobile for development, smart cities and internet of things sectors.
Knowledge Center Toilet Board Coalition
Toilet Board Coalition Secretariat (2016). The digitalisation of sanitation Transformation to smart, scalable and aspirational sanitation for all Toilet Board Coalition
Knowledge Center Toilet Board Coalition