Elegant yet economical urine-diverting dry toilets in Ecuador Thibodeau, C., Canaday, C. (2011)

During the summer of 2010, six Urine-diverting Dry Toilets (UDDTs) were built for rural families in the Andes Mountains, in the county of Tisaleo, Tungurahua, Ecuador. These were built with a simple, innovative design that uses conventional, readily available materials, including ceramic tiles on the ferrocement benches and floors to improve aesthetics and ease of cleaning. Each family contributed US$ 80 toward the moderate total unit cost of US$ 390. Of the six toilets, five were built in 16 days (by two experienced masons), as opposed to the sixth toilet in eight days (by the user, a student volunteer and a UDDT consultant). It was learned that quality control must be constant; contribution from the users is crucial for project success; and education and follow-up are essential.

Bibliographic information

Thibodeau, C., Canaday, C. (2011). Elegant yet economical urine-diverting dry toilets in Ecuador Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP) Issue 6, Article 4, pp. 23-28,Ecosan Club Austria

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) RuralPractitionersEnglish


Elegant yet economical urine-diverting dry toilets in Ecuador

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Elegant yet economical urine-diverting dry toilets in Ecuador

Published in: 2011
Pages: 0

Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP) Issue 6, Article 4, pp. 23-28,Ecosan Club Austria

Thibodeau, C., Canaday, C.

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