Effects of Rural Sanitation on Infant Mortality and Human Capital: Evidence from India's Total Sanitation Campaign Spears, D. (2012)

Open defecation without a toilet or latrine is among the leading global threats to health, especially in India. Although it is well-known that modern sewage infrastructure improves health, it is unknown whether a sanitation program feasible for a low capacity, poor country government could be e ffective.This paper contributes the fi rst causally identifi ed estimates of e ffects of rural sanitation on health and human capital accumulation.

Bibliographic information

Spears, D. (2012). Effects of Rural Sanitation on Infant Mortality and Human Capital: Evidence from India's Total Sanitation Campaign Princeton University, USA

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WASH and nutrition (WG12)RuralEnglish


Effects of Rural Sanitation on Infant Mortality and Human Capital: Evidence from India's Total Sanitation Campaign

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Effects of Rural Sanitation on Infant Mortality and Human Capital: Evidence from India's Total Sanitation Campaign

Published in: 2012
Pages: 0

Princeton University, USA

Spears, D.

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