Sustainable Sanitation in the eThekwini Municipality Gounden, T. (2008)

This presentation is about sustainable sanitation projects in the eThekwini Municipality in South Africa. The objective of the Project in Durban is to serve people in rural areas with basic water supply and sustainable sanitation to ensure an effective barrier against the spread of disease among the newly incorporated, under-serviced rural communities of the Municipality. The project is unique in South Africa because of the fact that it integrates water and sanitation service delivery process as a single ‘package’, with associated training. The aim of the project is improved access to services with a lower than normal O&M burden, a reduction in cholera and other waterborne diseases, and general improvement in health.

Bibliographic information

Gounden, T. (2008). Sustainable Sanitation in the eThekwini Municipality Presentation by Teddy Gounden, eThekwini Water and Sanitation, South Africa

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) RuralPresentationsEnglish


Sustainable Sanitation in the eThekwini Municipality

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Sustainable Sanitation in the eThekwini Municipality

Published in: 2008
Pages: 0

Presentation by Teddy Gounden, eThekwini Water and Sanitation, South Africa

Gounden, T.

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