Sanitation study - Evaluation of dry sanitation systems in Namibia Uhlendahl, T. (ed.) (2011)

The provision of appropriate sanitation services for all citizens is one of the biggest challenges for a sustainable development in Namibia. Considering the arid climate, the water scarcity and the high percentage of people without access to sanitation, especially in rural areas, dry sanitation systems seem to be an appropriate solution to reach the Millennium Development Goals which implicate the improvement of the access to basic sanitation. The report provides detailed information on a project study which was conducted to identify factors contributing to the success and/or failure of dry sanitation systems in Namibia on a long term. During the project study several implemented dry sanitation systems around Namibia were evaluated. The evaluation was conducted by observing already implemented dry toilets (mainly Otji-Toilets), carrying out standardized interviews with users of dry sanitation systems as well as expert interviews with stakeholders related to the sanitation sector in Namibia. The accomplished survey in this context was structured regarding participation, financial, technical and maintenance aspects, cultural background as well as natural conditions. Implemented on individual household level, dry toilets work quite well in Namibia. Besides the sensitization and the involvement of potential users of dry sanitation it is essential to empty the dry toilets on a regular basis and to allocate precise responsibilities for the entire maintenance process. For an increasing provision of dry sanitation on a larger scale in Namibia, new instruments for financing and subsidization have to be developed and a higher political support is needed. Editor: Uhlendahl, Thomas Authors: Cosenza, Ameli; Haxsen, Sören; Sattler, Yara; Wucherpfennig, Kai The project was conducted in cooperation with the Namibian Desert Research Foundation (DRFN), the Habitat Research and Development Centre of Namibia (HRDC), The City of Windhoek and the Clay House Project (CHP).

Bibliographic information

Uhlendahl, T. (ed.) (2011). Sanitation study - Evaluation of dry sanitation systems in Namibia Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Germany

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Urban (entire city)Urban informal settlements (slums)English


Sanitation study

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Sanitation study - Evaluation of dry sanitation systems in Namibia

Published in: 2011
Pages: 0

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Germany

Uhlendahl, T. (ed.)

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